The Firm

Accounting & Bookkeeping Prof. Inc is a California-based financial services firm offering full accounting, tax , bookkeeping services and business consulting. Specializing in small business accounting and bookkeeping services.

Our Approach

We understand the dynamics of building a successful business and managing your taxes. Making the extra effort to fully understand your business and investment needs.

Today’s competitive environment demands that a firm offer innovative and creative ideas and results. We provide extensive knowledge of accounting practices, taxation, and bookkeeping.What makes our firm unique is our ability to provide one-on-one level of quality service with each individual business owners. We not only make sure that your books are balanced and accurate, but also something you can understand and use to help your business grow.

Accounting & Bookkeeping Prof. Inc is dedicated to helping clients achieve business success through dependable tax and financial services. In meeting each client’s unique objectives, we use the most effective sound tax and financial processes.

What makes our firm unique is our ability to provide one-on-one level of quality service with each individual business owners.


Meet the Team

Write something about the people who make your business go or your philosophy behind customer service.
Why? Because people want to know who they’re doing business with. It’s a human thing.